Customer Bill of Rights

A Guide to Your Rights


As a patient of Christian Care, or as a patient representative, we want you to know your rights.  You have a right to receive a written copy of these rights and responsibilities, as well as, the right to have them explained to you.


You have the right to receive health care that respects your culture, religious beliefs and personal values.  Christian Care is committed to serving all patients, without regard to race, religion, sex, age, sexual orientation or gender identity, disability, political affiliations or ANY other non-medically relevant factors.  You have the right to be treated with dignity, courtesy, and respect and have your property respected.


You have the right to know that your medical records, or any information regarding the such, are confidential, except when otherwise provided for by the law and/or for third-party payment service contracts.

You have the right to privacy during examinations, interviews and treatments and can refuse observation by those not directly involved in your care.


You have the right to refuse to be examined, observed or treated.  Termination of care can be a result of willful non-compliance with a doctor or registered nurse.


You have the right to have all reasonable requests responded to promptly and adequately within the capacity of Christian Care; to receive enough information to make informed consent to treatment, including an explanation of your condition, proposed treatment with their respective benefits and risks outlined; to make decisions regarding your services, including the decision to refuse or discontinue services and/or treatment; to inspect your medical record or receive a copy of it (if you request and receive a copy, you may be charged a fee); receive an itemized list of charges submitted by the agency to your insurer or third-party regarding your care; to register complaints or file grievances with the agency if you have concerns about your care, treatment, and services.  You have the right to formulate advance directives and be assured the agency will not condition the provision of care or otherwise discriminate against yoou based on whether or not you have executed an advance directive.


By taking an active role in your health care, you can assist your caregivers in meeting your needs as a patient or family member.  This is why we ask that you and your family share certain responsibilities with us.